last changes: 11.11.2019
This was initially a post-by-post role play game between three players on, which we started in August 2009. Turning towards an audio play instead already one month later. In other words years before Disney's "Rebel" comic.
High Quality 48kHz / 24bit production. Decent headphones for the stereo release are recommended! For even more acoustical depth, listen to the Ogg-Vorbis 5.1 Surround mix. Downloads are for free.
While leading an uneventful life as a starship mechanic, Josh Kenaran finds himself wondering about his future direction after a chance meeting with an enigmatic stranger, who not only stirs up uncomfortable old memories within Josh, but also presents him with a potentially life-changing opportunity.
stereo mp3 33 MB [3502] - Surround ogg 74 MB [2625]While Saylen waits for him to decide, Josh realises that he can't make his decision without more information. However, his initial efforts to learn more about what awaits him are unexpectedly interrupted.
stereo mp3 19 MB [2829] - Surround 40 MB [2528]After dealing with a dangerous situation, Josh gains a greater understanding of the responsibilities that lie in front of him. The time for his final decision has arrived.
stereo mp3 22 MB [2514] - Surround 54 MB [2185] (wrong link fixed)